1.1. Entity Identification
Filling in the entity data
The data required on the form must be filled in for the purpose of issuing the respective invoice.
All data is mandatory, except for the air carrier's code (ICAO Code), if it does not exist. If you represent more than one air carrier, you must identify a represented air carrier, after registration you will be able to associate more air carriers.
1. Representative Identification
Representative information - Filling in the representative data
The data required on the form must be filled in for the purpose of billing the respective tax.
All data is mandatory.
Download, fill and attach the disclaimer document, duly signed and stamped.
Click here to download the draft of the disclaimer document
Maximum size allowed: 5 MB Allowed files: JPG, JPEG, PNG, PDF
2. Enter an email and password to access this site
After sign up, you will receive an email to confirm the account.
You should use the data entered in this section to access this website, as well as to record the information on the electronic form.